
Aeronautical Engineering

There is really no discipline that is more tightly intertwined

The B Tech cource in Aeronotical Engineering was started in the year 2009. The goal of the B.Tech Programme is to train the students in a broad based manner with equal focus on applications in aircraft engineering, rocket and space technology. The curriculum is designed to impart engineering knowledge in topics such as structural mechanics, thermodynamics, aerodynamics, aerospace, propulsion and space dynamics.

Further provision exists to acquire additional engineering knowledge through electives. A subsonic research wind tunnel with six component balance, pressure scanner and precision manometers and supersonic wind tunnel (Mach 2.5 to 3.5) are the laboratories possessed by the department. Lear Jet 24 aircraft, Cessna 172& Cessna 150 aircraft add to the assets of the department.


To empower and encourage the students with knowledge and practical skills required in the modern area of Aeronautical engineering with emphasis on innovation and research so as to make this country to be at the forefront of the above technology 


The Department of Aeronautical Engineering aims to be recognized as a leader in aeronautical engineering education and research.  This vision will be fulfilled through excellence in education and targeted research themes in emerging areas.

Click here for Depatment PROGRAMME OUTCOMES (PO)


Dr Yogesh M

Head Of The Department

Vishnu Sasidharan

Asst Professor

Stanley Sebastian

Asst Professor


Asst Professor

Ken Shaji Issac

Asst Professor

Sanjeev Krishnan

Asst Professor


Asst Professor
